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Ser Tabbah Veyis DURDU
Kadim Anadolu Mutfak Tarih ve Kültürü Araştırmacısı, Anadolu Mutfak Sanatları Eğitmeni, UNESCO Yaratıcı Şehirler Ağı Gastronomi Proje Danışmanı. Coord. Exc. Chef
The Story Of Soup From Past To Present
Yayın Tarihi : 12/25/2020 12:00:00 AM
Geçmisten Günümüze Çorbanin Hikayesi
Yazar, Veyis DURDU
Eski Anadolu Mutfagi, Tarihi ve Kültürü Arastirmacisi.
Eski Anadolu Mutfak Sanatlari Egitmeni
UNESCO Yaratici Sehirler Agi Gastronomi Projeleri Danismani
Gastronomi Danismani, Executive Cook Chef
Tarihte bilinen ilk çorba, ateste isitilan taslarin kaya oyuklarina veya hayvan derilerine konulan suya atilmasiyla yiyeceklerin kaynatilmasiyla yapilmistir.
Geçmisten Günümüze Çorbanin Hikayesi -01- "Özel Haber"
Sevgili dostlar, Bir önceki yazi dizimde, tarihi çorba kadar eski olan KASIK'in bugüne kadarki hikayesini ve hikayesini paylasmistim.
Evde çorba varsa her sey yolunda.
Yapmasi kolay, nerede olursaniz olun eviniz gibi hissediyor.
Çorbanin tarihi, temel bilesenlerinden biri olan tahil ürünlerinin bulundugu tarihlere kadar uzanmaktadir.
The first soup known in history was made by boiling food by throwing stones heated over fire into water placed in rock cavities or animal skins. Then BC. Pottery is being used in 6000. B.C. Metal boilers were invented in the 3600's and now the container in which the soup will be boiled and cooked is revealed.
On the other hand, there is serious evidence that the soup originated from Anatolia, the cradle of civilization . Archaeological research shows that the oldest soups were made from wheat and bulgur. (Göbeklitepe, the region where the first wheat and its derivatives were sown and harvested 12000 - 13000 years ago ) Considering that these lands are the homeland of these two crops, the discourse would not be wrong.
It is an important indicator that the name of the soup in all neighboring languages in the nearby geography has close similarities in sound and name. Turkish cuisine is the richest cuisine in the world in this sense, having hundreds of soup types.
Soup has been named with minor pronunciation differences in the Caucasus, Middle East, Central Asia, Balkans and Anatolia . It is known as "Sorpa", "Soup", "Ciorba", "Sorpo", "Sulpa" and even Hurpa . In Tatars, two different names Sorpa and Sorpa are used.
The soup comes from the Persian root "Surba";
It consists of the combination of "Shur", which means salty, and "Ba", which means food. The historical origin of soup goes back to antiquity. While there were no fireproof containers yet, the soup was cooked by throwing hot stones into its water .
In the Hittite cuneiform texts, it is known that people cooked soup, mixed wheat, onion, peas, chickpeas, lentils with meat and consumed it in the form of soup.
In ancient Greece, pea and cowpea soup was made.
Originating from Sanskrit, the English word soup means 'good nutrition' and shows us how important soup has been in nutrition from thousands of years of history to the present day .
The word soup, which is the equivalent of soup in the European continent, derives from the German root supare, which settled in Latin. Almost all European countries have given names to the soup from the Latin root suppare . The Western words soup, suppe, zuppa derive from Latin 'suppare / soaking'. In fact, ' supper ', which means light meal in English, comes from Suppare.
french soupe;
It means wet. It also means soup and food. He must have jumped into English from here, too. Soup; soup, soup. we use the french version as "sup", and in Turkish for sweet and dairy foods.
It is true that she jumped from french to english, her story is as follows ...
French, before civil ... these folks once on behalf of SOPs also called on dry bread particles of sop was located spices or salt, sprinkle ... once into the SOP has taken soups in the sense we know where it dipped in water.
In the 1760s, shops selling healthy soups were opened in Paris. These shops are named as restaurant , which means healing and refreshing . The history of restaurants as we know them now is based on soup.
The healing power of soup
We know the healing of soup best from personal experience. Whenever we feel hurt in our bodies, a little bit of pain in our joints, colds and flu, we think of soup. We look for the cure, not in the medicine, but in our mothers' soup , and the good news is that each time you drink that soup and fall asleep, you wake up healed.
Soup makes us feel at home wherever we are. It is healing, it is self-healing. Most of all, chicken broth soup. Every household has a recipe for chicken broth soup, it is learned from them, the recipe changes over time, but there is a secret in the preparation of that soup that every mother cooked for healing .
The interesting thing is that although they often explain the healing power of the soup from a psychological perspective, a lab study at the University of Nebraska in December 2017 concluded that chicken broth soup can actually be effective against colds.
In the 12th century manuscripts, the Egyptian physician and philosopher Moshe Ben Maymon, born in Cordoba, suggested drinking chicken broth soup against the common cold. The healing effect is not only psychological, you will understand… The inhabitants of Okinawa Island of Japan, known for their long life, are also famous for drinking soup before or after meals every day .
Soup is truly a soul-filling meal. Moreover, when you don't want to go to the market and buy something, your soul has been your only savior. Whatever is in the house, throw it in the pot, get the soup. Is it lentils, wheat, some broccoli, two celery? As the pot rattles, the house is filled with the heat of the soup.
The beauty of the soup is a luxury that any ingredient can turn into a soup whenever you want . Moreover, soup is a food that unites the world, which is healing.