Osmanlıda Kiler Kültürü

Osmanlıda Kiler Kültürü

Biliyorsunuz eskiden buzdolabi yoktu; hemen bir seyler satin alinacak marketlerde.. Peki gida maddeleri nasil korunuyordu?
Buzdolabi yoktu, ama her evde kiler vardi. Osmanli evlerinin en Önemli bölümlerinden biri kilerdi. Neredeyse tam yil yetecek kadar gida maddesi kilerde saklanirdi.
Rahmetli Samiha Ayverdi Hanimefendi son devir Osmanli konaginin kilerini Söyle anlatiyor:
"Kilere denen o uçsuz bucaksiz tas odalarda neler yoktu? Bir zamanlar varnadan köstenceden çekimlere gelen yaglarin pekmezlerin yerine Simdi Halep'in Trabzon'un Vakfikebir'in fiçi fiçi yaglari, Balkan Kaserleri, kizanlik tulum peynirleri, kazeviler dolusu misir pirinçleri, daglar gibi yigilmis kelle sekerler, siyah ve yesil zeytin fiçilari, eskiden Kaza'dan Eflak ve bogdan'dan gelen zahireler yerine simdi Suriye'nin Trablusgarp'in Bagdat'in ve Anadolu vilayetlerinin türlü türlü mahsulleri hep bu kilerlerin sanki ot gibi kendi kendine üreyip tükenmek bilmeyen muhteviyati arasinda idi. 
Sandik odalarinin yonca çiçek ve ve sabun kokusuna karsilik, kilere basimizi uzattigimiz zaman, genzimiz yag, peynir, pastirma, sucuk, tursu ve salamura, karisimi bir kokuyla gidiklanir biraz da yanar gibi olurdu.
Daima dolu daima üst üste istifli olan bu erzak deposu, gerçekten de kopardikça süren bir nebat gibi, yenip azaldikça adeta kendi eksigini belli etmeden kendi dolduran bir sihirbaz el çabuklugu ile telafi ederdi.
(Samiha Ayverdi, Ibrahim efendi Konagi )
Osmanlida Kiler Kültürü
You know, there was no refrigerator before; In the markets where something can be bought immediately .. How were food items preserved?
There was no refrigerator, but there was a pantry in every house. One of the most important parts of Ottoman houses was the cellar. Almost a full year's food was kept in the pantry.
The late lady Samiha Ayverdi describes the cellars of the last period Ottoman mansion as follows:
"What did not exist in those immense stone rooms called cellars? Instead of the molasses that once came to the shots from Varna, now the barrel barrel oils of Trabzon's Vakfikebir in Aleppo, Balkan Kashkers, redness tulum cheese, goose-full corn rice, head piled like mountains. Sugars, black and green olive barrels, instead of grains from Wallachia and Moldavia in the past, various crops of Tripoli, Baghdad and Anatolian provinces of Syria were among the ingredients of these cellars that could never grow and run out like grass. 
In contrast to the scent of clover flowers and soap in the ballot-box rooms, when we stretch our heads to the cellar, our nasal passages would be tickled with a mixture of oil, cheese, bacon, sausage, pickle and pickle, and it would burn.
This storehouse, which is always full, always stacked one on top of the other, would actually make up for it with the sleight of hand of a magician who, like a plant that lasts as it tears, fills itself as it dwindles without revealing its deficiency.
(Samiha Ayverdi, Ibrahim Efendi Mansion)


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